Papdi no Lot Video

Chewy and flavorful Papdi no Lot, a beloved Gujarati snack, made with rice flour, spices, and a hint of chili, steamed to perfection. Enjoy this authentic and delicious treat.

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Today we're going to make papdi no lot, a lot or “khichu,” as many people call it. This is a beloved, absolutely beloved snack in many, many, many Gujarati homes. It's basically just rice flour with some spices, green chilies, cumin, carom seeds or ajmo and salt, and it's just kind of steamed together into this delicious, chewy and soft, very mochi like texture. It's savory and it's spicy. And it's just so, so good. One thing I recently found out my family has been making papdi no lot my entire life. My aunt is our popular expert, but I recently found out My aunt in my home is our papdi no lot expert, but I recently found out that one of the main ingredients in papdi no lot is what we call papad kharo is potentially unsafe and potentially toxic. It is sodium benzoate and it can convert, it can react with acid and high temperatures and convert into benzene, which is problematic. And so I wanted to figure out a way to make papdi no lot in a way that's safer. And so I experimented several times and found a way to make it with baking soda that works perfectly and you can't tell the difference. So let me share the recipe of papdi no lot by boiling two cups of water. Add the cumin seeds. The carom seeds, or ajmo, salt and green chili paste and bring this to a rolling boil. Now that the water is at a rolling boil, I'm going to add the red chili powder. I don't add this before because it can vaporize the chili and cause everyone in the house to cough. Add the baking soda, give it one quick stir, and then add the rice flour, lower the heat and mix to combine. Make sure you're using a sturdy silicone spatula. Traditionally, my family would use a valan -- a Gujarati, thin rolling pin. But I find that using a sturdy silicone spatula saves you the step of kneading the dough while it's really hot because the silicone spatula does the work for you. Okay, Now that it's mostly well combined on low heat mash this together for 1 to 2 minutes until it is a smooth mixture. So just kind of pull it along the surface of the pan and take out any of those little clumps. And knots that you see in the dough and just knead for about a minute or so. Sometimes you might need a little more, but you'll see that it'll start to pull away from the pan and clump together and form a dough, as you can see now. So okay, now you can see it is turned into a much smoother dough. Now we can turn the heat off and transfer the dough to a bowl and cover and let rest for at least 30 minutes. So papdi no lot, the dough, has rested for about an hour. And I will show you what it looks like. It’s nice and soft. It's nice and doughy. It's perfect. I'm going to put this aside. I have a steamer basket put on a plate and I like to use my hands to grease the steamer basket because I'm going to use my hands to shape the papdi no lot. So this just helps to help get the oil on my hands already. Go set this aside and you can make your papdi no lot rings or donuts any size you like. I like to use two tablespoons. I feel like that's the perfect size for a snack. It gives you two or three bites and it's not too big, not too small. So that is my preferred size. But honestly, you could do whatever you prefer. So I like to use the tablespoon measure. I dip it in oil and I measure out two tablespoons and just kind of squish it between your hands a couple of times, form it into a ball, push down, pinch any edges that are not holding together, push down, and then you can use your finger to create that little donut shape. I'm going to place it on the greased steaming tray. You could use your finger, but my preference is to use a chopstick. So let me just grab two tablespoons of the dough, mash it back and forth a couple times, form a ball, and then press it down into a puck shape. You can put it on a plate and use a chopstick and just kind of push out the circle. And it's a lot easier to do. All right, have a puck and then using a chopstick just create the little circle in the middle. And that's a lot easier to do this. I'm just going to brush some oil on top. There it is. These are ready to steam. So I'm going to start by wrapping the lid for my Dutch oven. I have some water boiling in the Dutch oven, but I want to make sure that the steam doesn't fall back on top of the papdi no lot as much as possible. So I'm just going to wrap a kitchen towel around the lid, grab the opposite corners and just tie a couple of secure knots. Now, that is not going anywhere. I have a trivet going to place inside the water. Now that the water is boiling, add the papdi no lot, add the lid and set a timer for 20 minutes. Okay. It's been 20 minutes. And let's check on our papdi no lot you can see that it's expanded a little bit. Going to take them out of the heat. I'm just going to let them cool a little bit before I touch them. So about 10 to 20 minutes, just let them rest here and then they will be ready to eat. The papdi no lot has cooled and you can see it's nice and cooked and just perfect texture. It's soft and spongy and chewy and just perfect. When you take a bite. Okay, So good. Perfect on its own. Just delicious. Different families enjoy papdi no lot in different ways. You could just eat it with some plain oil, peanut oil, avocado oil, or even olive oil work. Really well. You could also add some oil and some pickle masala. What I'm going to do today is one of my favorite ways. But actually my absolute favorite way is to just eat it with plain oil, but is to have a little bit of oil. Add a small pinch of sanchar, or Indian black salt, and a small pinch of flaked chili powder and just swirl that around. And I love just kind of pouring this over my papdi no lot. So I'm going to grab one and just drizzle a little bit of this, swirl that around and just drizzle a little bit over here, papdi no lot and just perfect. Mush it around a little bit. So good.

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